More beautiful images in celebration of World Cyanotype Day 2023.

Artist: Amanda Lee
Location: Wytheville, VA
Title: “Spring Ephemerals"
Description: This piece is a collage of personal photography turned into digital negatives and printed on cold press watercolor paper. Even the most beautiful treasures we inherit won't last forever. It is up to us to savor them and the pleasures they bring before they (and we) fade.

Artist: Jill Welham
Location: Scotland
Title: "Eternal Youth"
Description: Traditional cyanotype on a vintage cotton napkin. Image created using a photograph of an old family photo, converted to a negative in PS and ferns collected from a local woodland.

Artist: Natalia Tcherniak
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Title: “CMU: self-portrait in concrete and twine”
Description: Photograph of Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) wrapped in twice. What is "Inheritance" if not a mold and a weight that follows us all our lives, a burden that we have to carry and support, continue to build, in order for our line to continue.

Artist: Lazuli
Location: Brasília, DF
Title: “TV”
Description: Esta é uma imagem utilizando um fotolito de uma TV antiga com fotogramas de flores típicas do Brasil.

Artist: Isaac Alencar
Location: Brasília (DF)
Title: “Sem Título”
IG: @isaacbalencar
Description: Escolho está imagem a partir de processo de busca de um passado que não já é lembrado, porém faz parte da construção de minha pessoal. A imagem é um registro do meu primeiro dia de aula e o sorriso nervoso mostra uma criança que não estava preparada pra esse novo universo.

Artist: Luquinhas
Location: Brasília - DF
Title: "O brilho dele"
IG: @lucasszsad
VSCO: lucapeters
Description: Minha inspiração foi o meu melhor amigo com quem eu moro junto mas que conheço já faz anos, tirar fotos dele sempre foi algo que gostei e nesse momento em específico ele estava tão belo e sereno ao ser iluminado com a chama do isqueiro e quis registrar esse momento pois nele consegui registrar um pouco da minha visão quando olho pra ele, uma pessoa muito especial e com um brilho único.

Artist: Shelby Graham
Title: "My Grandmother Was a Flapper"
IG: @grahamgallery

Artist: Rüdiger Beckmann
Location: Hamburg
Title: Polaroid Double Exposure

Artist: Sonja Schaeffeler
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Title: “Hibiscus Inheritance”
Description: This piece is a wet botanical cyanotype. It was exposed in the sun and left outside overnight, so that the cyanotype process is altered in several ways. The result is a blueprint showing shades of blue, green, yellow and brown.

Artist: Wisteria
Location: France
Title: “Succession “
IG: @wisteria_sinensis
Description: It is a cyanotype photo mirror of an abandoned castle, on a notarial sheet called a succession.

Artist: Fruma Markowitz
Location: Bridgeport, CT, USA
Title: “Sara’s Trousseau no. 10”
Description: Part of a series of cyanotype collages using images from my mother’s teacup collection, given to her by her friends on her 16th birthday as contributions to her marriage hope chest, passed down to me when she passed away, and in my safekeeping until they will be inherited by my daughter in turn.

Artist: db Dennis Waltrip
Location: Florida, USA
Title: “Recollections of Ida Mae”
IG: @db.kodachromegirl
Description: This is a photogram of my great grandmother’s amber glass juicer printed on vintage linen.

Artist: Marlene Barnes
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Title: “Dad and Uncle John”
FB: MarleneBarnes.SantaFe
Description: I have been a photographer for many years, so when making cyanotypes, I often create transparencies from my original images or from old family photos. With this cyanotype, I made a transparency from a digitally scanned photo of my father and uncle. They were children of Italian immigrants, so the theme “Inheritance” seems particularly relevant and has many meanings for me – the inheritance of ancestry, of ethnicity, of family, of connections between generations and of the commonality of the human experience.

Artist: Ro Macuga
Location: Beaver, PA
Title: "Dan's Vintage Bottles"
Contact: or
Description: The images are historical vintage bottles that my brother, Dan, excavated in the areas of Beaver County and Pittsburgh, PA. The collection was given to me after his death.

Artist: Pedro Leal
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Title: "Our Shared Inheritance"
IG: @pedromendesleal
Description: This piece is a Wet Cyanotype on Washi (tracing paper) 38g. - mix technique. Exploring the boundaries of photography and drawing, painted with cyanotype photography emulsion during sun exposure.
Not developed it ages with time as we do.

Artist: Samantha Parker
Location: United Kingdom
Title: “Ivy Collage”
Contact: IG: @samanthaparkerartist
Description: This piece is a collage of ivy. It is an ancient symbol of fertility and to me represents continued life and future inheritance.

Artist: Ania Krypska
Location: London, United Kingdom
Title: “Postcard from the Familiar”
Description: I recently returned home, to the place I feel most connected to. I slid a few sheets between the pages of my book and I sat down by the seashore letting my inner child emerge. Feeling as if I were sculpting in the sand, just as I did in my youth. I covered a sheet of paper with the sand and let the wind carry it away slowly, and then I washed it in the sea. My process is controlled chaos, I love allowing chance and weather to be partners in crime. This process is very forgiving, the season, sun and wind work their own magic. What I love the most about it is that it simplifies photography to light and time. It captures one kind of image, and I truly believe that it captures emotions the same as traditional lens photography does, creates a sense of intimacy, evokes emotions and leaves room for interpretation.

Artist: Elizabeth (EJ) Trefney
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Title: "Առատ (abundant)"
IG: @ejtref
Description: As a symbol of Armenian abundance, "Առատ (abundant)" is a cyanotype and pencil drawing (16x12 in) depicting a photo from the foot of Mount Ararat, embraced by a field of pomegranate trees.

Artist: kassia rayanne nascimento ribeiro
Location: brasilia df
Title: vaso ceramica

Artist: Lisa Zarri
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Title: Bushtucker
Description: This Oak Tannin toned Cyanotype was printed on Monte Marte Mixed Media Paper 310gsm. Australian bush tucker refers to the native foods traditionally consumed by Indigenous Australians. Bushtucker was a vital part of Aboriginal cultures for thousands of years, and continues to be of cultural significance today.

Artist: Gabi Rosário
Location: Brasília DF
Título: "Justina Rosa"
IG: @gabiesgrima
Description: Peça de tecido com cianotipia de uma foto de minha avó, representando minha família, minha maior herança.

Artist: Hiske Dooper
Location: Arnhem, NL
Title: Imbued with Memories
Description: original cyanotype of 8x8 cm on Hahnemuhle Sumi-e-paper, slightly toned with tea.